I wrote a article to join a blog competition, the topic is about how to save money,

My idioms is clear [Don`t pay without need, only pay what you need ] 


Share my tips:

1.If I want to go outside, I would take the water from my house. Then when I am thirst ,I don`t  have to buy other drinks.

2.Ride bike to school/office, then keep the money and beome healthy.

3.If you print the wrong paper , don`t use the other side to continue print, I would make printer unhealthy, Just keep this paper, next time, if everyone want to order the ricebox, you can use it to sign the name.

4. When you buy anything, you can search the Internet first. It can help you to spend less money.

5. When you have a date with girlfriend, try to stop her buying any clothes, shoes that she does not need,

Even thought, she would think you are a stingy, but you have to continue stop her buying,

Because these days she spends her money, the other days she spends yours.

Correcting her financial view is important

6. You can save a toilet paper when you sneeze, yes, and you should turn your head up, and sneeze to the sky.

It not only saves a toilet paper,but also saves the earth, We have to know the forest is continues to decrease.

Don`t think that is dirty way, If it is a sunny day, try to enjoy that the nasal mucous, when it comes down, just like an instant rain, a kind of cool.

7. You probably think I want to write 'Don`t use toilet paper after you have a fence'

or 'use one toilet paper to wipe your ass' which is a old joke.

 no, no, no, it`s too dirty.

If you use one paper, it would make your finger keep stinking for three days, But , how to save your toilet paper?

There is  an old Chinese idioms that says [dog can not stop eating shit].

Yes, just an easy way, after you have a fence, find a dog, ask it to lick your ASSHOLE.

then a~ha~

You save a toilet paper.

Good idea? It`s Great?


Thanks, My Kojen english teacher Dimitri help me to correct the article.

If you guys found any mistake in my english article,pls let me know,I would really appreciate you.




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